A short note on SPOILERS: What you are reading on this Blog is an account of my own personal experience of playing through the game of Skyrim, with multiple characters. Some of it will be somewhat irreverent, some of it is likely to be a bit embelished in places, but it does draw directly from what occurs in the game. As a result there will be Spoilers, for Quests and the Main Plot of the game. If you haven't played through that part of the game yet, and don't wish it to be spoiled for you, I suggest you approach what you read with a degree of caution.

Monday 16 January 2012

Bleak Falls Barrow : Done - So what now?

So, here we are. At the end of my initial little experiment into the different fighting and play styles of Skyrim. To be perfectly honest, at least in the initial planning of it all, this was actually as far ahead as I ever really thought ahead. I don't even know how how many people are actually reading this. Not that it was ever the point of the exercise.

From this point onwards I'll be posting up the odd bits an pieces as I play through Skyrim with each character. I can't guarantee I'll play through with them all to anywhere near completion, nor do I see much point in blogging their every movement (Seriously, ten different versions of Bleak Falls Barrow was tedious enough. I'm hardly going to follow it up with ten different versions of EVERY quest in Whiterun...). I'll only be posting key details from this point onwards, and avoiding repeats where possible. Sometimes these will be in the form of full blog pieces, sometimes just the odd image, we'll see. Each character's entries will then be Tagged by name along the right hand side.

Hope that all makes some kind of sense.

If you want to jump straight in to the entries for each character you can access them all via the links below.


J'Vari - Khajiit Thief 

Fimmion - Wood Elf Hunter

Ogrul gro-Khadba - Orc Mercenary

Olda Wolf-Runner - Nord Warrior

Cassius Loran - Imperial Battlemage

Karlirah - Redguard Swordstress

J'Ram-Dar - Argonian Thief

Ocato - High Elf Mage

Vendrela Helas - Dark Elf Spellsword

Ancus Maurard - Breton Necromancer

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