A short note on SPOILERS: What you are reading on this Blog is an account of my own personal experience of playing through the game of Skyrim, with multiple characters. Some of it will be somewhat irreverent, some of it is likely to be a bit embelished in places, but it does draw directly from what occurs in the game. As a result there will be Spoilers, for Quests and the Main Plot of the game. If you haven't played through that part of the game yet, and don't wish it to be spoiled for you, I suggest you approach what you read with a degree of caution.

Monday 16 January 2012

A Khajiit's Tale: Episode #2 - Stoney Broke

Times were tough for J'Vari. Having shelled out on armour for his newly acquired companion, Faendal, to money was running low. A quick chat around town revealed very little in the way of profitable work in Riverwood. Other than standing around chopping wood until you we bored beyond all hope...

Or you could enquire if there was any work on offer locally, at The Sleeping Giant in. Orgnar, the guy behind the bar, tells us that the Jarl of Whiterun's men were looking for somebody to clear out a camp for them, which had been overrun by bandits.

That seemed reasonable enough.

Until we found Halted Stream Camp on the map.

Well... that was going to be a bit of a hike.

But money IS money. And loot was there to be had...

Time to spring into action, armed with only a sword, a frosty war axe and an Elf who frequently breaks his own system of beliefs (As discussed previously...).

What could possibly go wrong?

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